The Causes We Support
Sojurn House
10% of the meal ticket money and the proceeds of the 50/50 draw are donated to worthwhile local causes. Recent recipients include:
Canada-Africa Community Health Alliance: supports health care needs of rural African Communities
Indspire: Helps Indigenous students complete their education through funding & other sources
Sojourn House: Providing temporary housing for refugees
Camp Eden; Gives teens a chance to develop their leadership skills
Fred Victor Mission: Improving health, income, and housing stability
Market Lane School: STEM program for elementary school students
A University of Toronto Scholarship was established in honour of Stan Pearl, our Chair and former Principal of the School, who passed away in 2021
David Suzuki Foundation
Some of the other St. Lawrence Supper Club and Hot House Restaurant Charitable Donation Recipients in recent years:
Street Health
Seeds of Hope: People in Transition;
Princess Park Children’s Play Garden;
Street to Trail, Building Confidence for the Homeless;
St. Paul’s Children’s Breakfast Program;
Harm Reduction Project for Neighbourhood Safety;
Mustard Seed Community Kitchen;
St. Lawrence Community Recreation Centre, Kids’ Camping Trip;
Women’s City Shelter;
Just Us: Help for ex-prisoners and their families.